Saturday, February 18, 2006

Anyone Else Feeling Insecure About All This Security

Why is All This Security Making Me Feel Insecure?

When we first learned of the National Security Act, in which it seemed the Federal Government decided it wanted to tap dance over the constitution and give itself all kinds of powers – people were horrified. It seems that the new order of the US could best be described by the words of the Genie from Aladdin “Phenomenal Cosmic Powers (Government) – itty bitty living space (us).” After the outcry, there was a hope, which I now see was naïve, that the saner heads would prevail and maybe things would change.

Unfortunately, I see I have to leave my happy place every once in awhile. NOW, we find out that the Senate Intelligence Committee (you have got to love the oxymoron) is refusing to investigate the NSA program for security reasons. In short, for our own good the senate is refusing to stop this insanity.

Senators, if you really want to help us, give our schools the money you promised, work on the homeless problem, explain all the additives in our foods, etc. THAT would help us. The ability to put a wire tap on my phone without reason or my consent is NOT HELP. THAT is the OPPOSITE of help.

Does this bother you? Want to let your senator know what you think of this? Go to


and find the e-mails for your local Senators. Speak up, while its not censored.

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