Friday, March 03, 2006

The Duke-ster gets 8

CNN Reports:
SAN DIEGO, California (AP) -- Former Rep. Randy "Duke" Cunningham was sentenced Friday to eight years and four months in federal prison for collecting $2.4 million in homes, yachts, antique furnishings and other bribes on a scale unparalleled in the history of Congress.
That translates into $24,000 per month!
With this quote, Dukey's lawyers attempt to spin a little sympathy for the scumbag.
"His own misconduct has already left him penniless, homeless, estranged from those he loves and disgraced in the eyes of his countrymen,"
Unlike a street corner whore, Dukey wouldn't go down for just anyone. He was more like the Heidi Fleiss of corrupt Congressmen:
The staggering details of Cunningham's wrongdoing surpass anything in the history of Congress, Senate and House historians said. His bribes included a Rolls-Royce, a yacht, homes, travel, meals, $40,000 Persian rugs and antique furnishings.

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