Weekly Editorial: John Gibson, Festivus Hater
I am loathe to give one of Fox's resident asshats any more publicity than they do, however with November fast approaching it can mean only one thing:
The Righties will be pulling the "War on Christmas" out of mothballs again. Yes, your wacko funide cousin/aunt/uncle/ etc. will be railing against the iniquities this holiday has suffered because of us evil liberals. Well you could tell them to shove it up their manger or you might consider John Gibson's latest insult to the English language:
Yes you can feed their need to feel persecuted. Many a tale abounds as Gibson once again fights against the rallying forces or reality. Watch as he bravely takes on Santa Claus costumed windmills as he seeks to replace goodwill amongst men with a steaming pile of lies, half truths, and a heaping dose of hatred.
This review from Amazon is my personal favorite:
Let's get this straight, there is no "War on Christmas" never has been. The founders of this nation put the wall between state and religion for a damn good reason. The colonies watched as England slipped from the divine right of kings to a religio-fanatical dictatorship, back to the divine right of kings. The Founding Fathers knew their history and they did not want religion to be a state sponsored enterprise. In many ways they reflected the Progressive Jesus:
Give onto Caesar what is Caesar's and give onto God what is God's.
This sentiment is reflected in Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Associationof Connecticut in 1802.
"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state."
And a simple question, which flavor of Christianity would you like? You find me two sects that agree on doctrine and I'll pack my bags and go home! Is it Baptist or Lutheran? Nazarene or Roman Catholicism? Damn they can't even get the Sabbath day straight. Is it Saturday, Sunday, or every other Thursday? Is it the Old and New Testament or do we add the Book of Mormon and the Apocrypha? Some do not want statues, while R.C. churches literally hang them from the ceiling.
Folks like Bill Sizemoreand John Gibson attempt to argue that this, the separation between church and state, was not the intent of the founders. Why then did Madison fight against the establishment of a Senate chaplain? Why because a person's beliefs are between themselves and whatever god, gods, entity, or themselves. If a church wants a nativity scene, have a blast! A temple wants a menorah on its property? Great! To place these in a public square would be a clear endorsement of a particualar sect of a religion.
That's it. Final. No more argument. You can worship how you want but you can not impose it on others and it is not the government's place or power to do your work for you.
For a more detailed discussion on this topic visit Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
The Righties will be pulling the "War on Christmas" out of mothballs again. Yes, your wacko funide cousin/aunt/uncle/ etc. will be railing against the iniquities this holiday has suffered because of us evil liberals. Well you could tell them to shove it up their manger or you might consider John Gibson's latest insult to the English language:
"The War on Christmas : How the Liberal Plot to Ban the Sacred Christian Holiday Is Worse Than You Thought"
Yes you can feed their need to feel persecuted. Many a tale abounds as Gibson once again fights against the rallying forces or reality. Watch as he bravely takes on Santa Claus costumed windmills as he seeks to replace goodwill amongst men with a steaming pile of lies, half truths, and a heaping dose of hatred.
This review from Amazon is my personal favorite:
The lesson of the English Civil War, in the 1660's, was not lost on Jefferson, Madison, or Hamilton. The Puritan dictatorship imposed by Cromwell melded religion and politics. The double edged sword of God and Parliament embodied in Cromwell intruded more into the daily life of the average citizen than the short- sighted policies of the Stuarts ever did.Gibson is a true Field Marshall for Baby Jesus, October 20, 2005
....Man was I surprised! These LIEberals (get it??) aren't just looking to keep the government out of the religion business, they are -literally waging war on Christmas.- Gibson describes in shocking detail the Battle of Knoxville, where a battalion of mechanized liberal infantry stormed the churches on Christmas Eve and slaughtered anyone celebrating the mass. Or the Storming of the Beaches at Houston, when secular humanist frogmen, behind a wheezing Ted Kennedy, destroyed a group of carolers and stuck their heads on pikes on the highways leading into town, as a warning to any other Christians who were thinking about baking tree cookies or giving presents to their children. Or the Coup of Duluth, where the Democratic Elite Guard overthrew the City Council and immediately issued a fiat banning nativities, and made the hanging of colored lights punishable by summary execution.
Let's get this straight, there is no "War on Christmas" never has been. The founders of this nation put the wall between state and religion for a damn good reason. The colonies watched as England slipped from the divine right of kings to a religio-fanatical dictatorship, back to the divine right of kings. The Founding Fathers knew their history and they did not want religion to be a state sponsored enterprise. In many ways they reflected the Progressive Jesus:
Give onto Caesar what is Caesar's and give onto God what is God's.
This sentiment is reflected in Thomas Jefferson's letter to the Danbury Baptist Associationof Connecticut in 1802.
"Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man & his god, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, thus building a wall of separation between church and state."
And a simple question, which flavor of Christianity would you like? You find me two sects that agree on doctrine and I'll pack my bags and go home! Is it Baptist or Lutheran? Nazarene or Roman Catholicism? Damn they can't even get the Sabbath day straight. Is it Saturday, Sunday, or every other Thursday? Is it the Old and New Testament or do we add the Book of Mormon and the Apocrypha? Some do not want statues, while R.C. churches literally hang them from the ceiling.
Folks like Bill Sizemoreand John Gibson attempt to argue that this, the separation between church and state, was not the intent of the founders. Why then did Madison fight against the establishment of a Senate chaplain? Why because a person's beliefs are between themselves and whatever god, gods, entity, or themselves. If a church wants a nativity scene, have a blast! A temple wants a menorah on its property? Great! To place these in a public square would be a clear endorsement of a particualar sect of a religion.
That's it. Final. No more argument. You can worship how you want but you can not impose it on others and it is not the government's place or power to do your work for you.
For a more detailed discussion on this topic visit Americans United for Separation of Church and State.
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