Monday, February 20, 2006

Weird Scenes From Inside Robertson's Diamond Mine!

Watching sharks feed on each other is the equivalent of watching a car wreck. You just can't turn away. Lead shark Pat Robertson seems to have steered into a blood frenzy of sorts.

Pat Robertson Accused of Damaging Movement
The Associated Press
Saturday, February 18, 2006; 8:15 PM

NORFOLK, Va. -- Fellow conservative religious leaders have expressed concern and even open criticism over Pat Robertson's habit of shooting from the hip on his daily religious news-and-talk television program, "The 700 Club." "He is in a very visible leadership position and comments such as recent ones related to Mr. Sharon and so many others are misinformed and presumptuous and border on arrogance," said David Dockery, president of Union University, a private college affiliated with the Tennessee Baptist Convention.
"It puts the evangelical movement in a bad light when that happens because people make broad generalizations, rightly or wrongly, all the time," said Dockery, who also is chairman of the board for the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities.
To be blunt, "a bad light" is a mild, it makes you look like plain loonies. Then there are those who like the looney bin, those who are wiling to twist reality for their own political and social purposes.
On the other hand, Brian Britt, director of the Religious Studies Program at Virginia Tech, said Robertson's remarks aren't just "off-the-wall, crazy uncle stuff" but part of a strategy that earns him headlines. When people attack Robertson, he wins sympathy for appearing to be an underdog, Britt said.
"It reinforces an image of Christianity as a persecuted religion, a religion that is being hounded by the secularists out of the public square, rather than a dominant and hegemonic force,"
Britt said.
Nice to see someone say flat out, that this whole "poor persecuted Christianity" meme is a bunch of horse hockey. It is a staged event designed to corral the gullible throngs who throw what little money they have at this guy.

Long story short Christianity, or at least Robertson's version of it, IS a dominant force. They now control all three branches of government, create foreign policy and all under the guise that they are persecuted. Hell I would love to be persecuted like Robertson is, it is very profitable.

The question is how long can the old shark stay the pilot for the school? With younger and more aggressive sharks, i.e. Robert Reed, sniffing the green blood of Robertson's money machine?

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