Monday, April 03, 2006

So Long "Snowjob" and "Simple" Scottie?

Could it be administration front man and media punching bag (but damn don't he deserve it) Scottie "I can't comment on an on going investigation" McClellan is being shoived out the door. I must admit there are times I almost feel sorry for the little weasel, having to go out on a daily basis and humiliate himself by regurgitating the same administration bullshit.

The final humiliation for "Simple" Scottie, might be presiding over his own political funeral. Speaking of which on March 30, 2006 reported:

Bush Remains Confident in Snow, Economic Team, McClellan Says

March 30 (Bloomberg) -- President George W. Bush retains confidence in his economic team, including Treasury Secretary John Snow, White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said.

The president ``appreciates the job his economic team is doing, including Secretary Snow,'' McClellan said today in Cancun, Mexico, where Bush is meeting with Mexico's President Vincente Fox and Canada's Prime Minister Stephen Harper.
However this morning (April 3) CNN reports that Snow may still be on the chopping block as well as McClellan:
White House shake-up to continue?
Sources: Press spokesman, treasury chief may be next

By Suzanne Malveaux

CRAWFORD, Texas (CNN) -- Presidential press secretary Scott McClellan and Treasury Secretary John Snow could be next in a shake-up in the Bush administration, according to White House and GOP sources.

The possible departure of both men could be among "several senior-level staff" announcements to come within the next couple of weeks, said former White House staff members, GOP strategists and administration officials.

"You're going to have more change than you expect," one GOP insider said.

One change already has been announced: Chief of staff Andy Card officially will leave April 14 and is being replaced by Josh Bolten, director of the Office of Management and Budget.

Under one scenario, Dan Bartlett, counselor to the president, would replace McClellan, Republican officials said.
Now the rumor mill has it, that even after the 2004 election Snow wanted out, but would not leave with out a replacement, which is admirable. Unfortunately for Snow nobody wanted to oversee a Treasury Department and economy that presided over the largest defecits in this nations history. It is no secret that the Real Estate bubble has been the last pillar holding the economy a float and that bubble is leaking air.

As for the proposed replacment of McClellan with Bartlett, is there anyone with less credibility than Scott McClellan yes White House Counselor and "Explainer 'n' Chief" Dan Bartlett. Regardless, whoever takes up thr mantle from Scottie he will have to deal with a slowly emerging independent press (THANK YOU Dick Gregory and Helen Thomas!) and
polls like the recent one from Pew Research:
The single word most frequently associated with George W. Bush today is "incompetent,"and close behind are two other increasingly mentioned descriptors: "idiot" and "liar." All three are mentioned far more often today than a year ago

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